For those who are getting ready for the UPSC Law Optional exam, we have compiled a list of previous year's questions that are associated with Public Interest Litigation (1991-2022). These questions will help you prepare thoroughly for the exam and enable you to perform exceptionally well. Best of luck with your preparation!
Public Interest Litigation
NOTE: Public Interest Litigation is separately mentioned in Law Paper II under Contemporary Legal Developments, but many PIL-related Questions are asked in Environmental Law, Constitutional Law, and Administrative law as well.
Table of Content
Public Interest Litigation in Administrative Law and Constitutional Law (Law Paper - I)
1. In Matters of Larger Public Interest the requirement of Locus standi has been liberally constructed. Illustrate your answers with reference to decided cases [section-A Q. No: 1(c)]
2. Examine and elucidate the scope and significance of Article 32 of the Constitution in the context of Public Interest Legislation as expounded by the Supreme Court in MC Metha vs Union of India, AIR 1987 SC. 1086 [section-A Q. No: 2(a)] 30 marks
3. "Locus standi is necessary for challenging an administrative action. through a writ petition. How has it been liberalized in case of Public Interest Litigation? Comment on the statement that, "PIL is not a PILL against all ILLS." [section-A Q. No: 2(b)] 30 marks
4. What is 'Public Interest Ligation'? What are the major facets of this form of litigation? Also, discuss the limitations of this type of litigation. [section-A Q. No: 3(c)] 15 marks
5. Under the Circumstances, apart from concerned parties, a third party has locus standi to move writ petition before the High Court or Supreme Court? How has this Procedure helped in developing and Promoting democratic Principles in the country? [section-A Q. No: 4(a)] 20 marks
6. (i) Public Interest Litigation is a tool to promote politics of the judiciary. [section-A Q. No: 4(c)] 20 marks
7. "Public Interest Litigation in India is Judge-led and even to some extent judge-induced." Explain with the help of relevant case law. [section-A Q. No: 1(b)] 10 marks
Public Interest Litigation in Environmental Law (Law Paper-II)
8. Public Interest Litigation has been a significant tool in protecting the environment. Discuss with the help of cases. [Refer to Q.No:6(b) Section - B)] 30 Marks
9. 'Public Interest Litigation has played a very crucial role in protection of environment in India." Elucidate and Illustrate with the help of decided cases. [Refer to Q.No:7(b) Section - B)] 15 marks
Public Interest Litigation in Contemporary Legal Developments (Law Paper-II)
10. "Public Interest Litigation is not in the nature of adversary litigation but it is a challenge and its officers to make basic human rights meaningful to the deprived and vulnerable sections of community to assure them social and economic justice which is the signature tune of our constitution." [Refer to Q.No:7(b) Section - B)] 30 Marks
11. "PIL writ petition cannot be filed in the Supreme Court under Article 32 of Indian Constitution only if a question concerning the enforcement of 'Fundamental Rights' is involved" Comment. [Refer to Q.No:5(b) Section - B)] 10 Marks
12. Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in India, of late, has been used not only to represent the unrepresented and weak but also to advance the interests of others. Comment on the recent trends relating to the application, use, and misuse of PIL in India [Refer to Q.No:5(d) Section - B)] 10 Marks.
13. "Public Interest Litigation is not the pill of all ills, it is the boon of the courts. However, it is also the duty of the Court to prevent its misuse." Elucidate [Refer to Q.No:5(c) Section - B)] 10 Marks.
14. "The Constitutional courts, through their judicial activism, have made substantial contribution in protecting women against exploitation, using public interest litigation as a tool for securing their constitutional rights." Explain with leading case laws. [section-B Q. No: 6(a)] 20 marks